User rating:
6 Yays
8 Nays

Firefox new tab page proposal
Every time you open a new tab, you are greeted with a blank page. A look at a new design proposal on how to best utilize this realestate in upcoming versions of Firefox.
User rating:
23 Yays
3 Nays

5 Simple Ways to Improve Web Typography
Good typography brings order to the page and increases legibility. Here are 5 easy fixes for the typographic eyesores that abound across the web.
User rating:
19 Yays
60 Nays

I’m sorry but Dreamweaver is dying
A commentary on the slow death of HTML editors as everything moves online.
User rating:
10 Yays
3 Nays

The Road to HTML 5: contentEditable
"HTML 5 supports contentEditable, by which I mean client-side in-browser "rich text" editing. All major browsers support this now, including Firefox 3, Safari 3, Opera 9, Google Chrome, and IE(since 5.5). Of course, the devil is in the details."
User rating:
8 Yays
14 Nays

28 Adobe AIR Apps for Designers and Developers
Adobe AIR is marvelous. It takes either or all HTML, JavaScript, Flash or Actionscript and builds you a complete desktop widget. Here are 25 Adobe AIR apps to illustrate that point.
User rating:
22 Yays
2 Nays

Accordion Script With Multi-Level Support
A compact Accordion script that supports nested levels.
User rating:
22 Yays
2 Nays

ColorBox lightbox clone
A lightweight jQuery lightbox clone that supports photo grouping, ajax, inline, and iframed content.
User rating:
10 Yays
6 Nays

An Interview with CSS Guru Christopher Schmitt
A nice interview with CSS Guru Christopher Schmitt and author of "CSS Cookbook", among other CSS books.
User rating:
13 Yays
11 Nays

Amateur’s Guide To Customizing Website Design With FireBug
"FireBug and it is so cool that many web developers use FireFox just to get to using FireBug. In this post I am sharing my amateur's tricks of creating a web site design with FireBug."
User rating:
12 Yays
10 Nays

Logo Design Trends 2009 - Showcase
A compilation of attractive logos grouped by category such as Origami and Tactile to illustrate the current trend in logo design.